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Decorative orange colour background motifs
Decorative orange colour background motifs
Photo of mother teaching son how to water plants
Older man teaches young girl how to split plants
Young lady smiles in front of camera at a farm

We’re on a mission to solve food inequality

We’ve been through a lot in these past few years. Just as we thought it was over, there’s an incoming recession causing living costs to skyrocket.

Food is becoming harder, and harder to afford. Our cities are growing fast, and available land to grow food is slowing down. Supply chains break down - and the next thing you know, it costs $20 for two dozen eggs. $12 for lettuce. This can’t go on forever.

So, what can we do?

Help cities become more self-sufficient in food production. Create farms in urban spaces and make homesteading more accessible.

Decorative green colour background motifs
Decorative green colour background motifs

Supporting your journey to food independence

The homesteading journey can be quite daunting when you first start.

But it’s the simple things that make this journey special. Noticing the first strawberry sprout. Selling your first full box of veggies. Losing your seed packets. Pausing to watch the sun rise as you harvest. Realising you’ve now done this enough that you can just wing it.

Homestead life can be so rewarding - but there’s no denying that it takes a lot of hard work.

Especially when there’s so much to be done. Especially when you’re doing something by yourself.

This is why we believe communities are so important. Whilst each homesteading journey is unique - we are all motivated by understanding what we eat, access to clean food, and becoming self-sufficient with what we grow.
Whether you need some moral support, have some burning questions, trying to maximise your harvest, or the one who is answering the questions - let’s grow together.

At AsparGo, we want to provide you with the tools, friends, and resources to support your urban farming journey. All in one space. A space just for growers.


Urban farming, without the limitations of urban space

Hi, my name is Alefe. I’m an urban grower and agricultural biotechnologist - I’ve spent the majority of my life studying food and working with farmers. Food accessibility is a topic close to my heart.

Our cities have tried many ways to address this topic - but seem to always forget an important factor - human connection. Despite the digital age connecting us more than ever, there is also a rising epidemic of loneliness. What if we could solve food accessibility through social connection?

That is why I started AsparGo. I want to help create a world where every city is a farm, and every family has access to a healthy meal. And that access to fresh produce is not limited by where you live, or the resources you have access to. Urban farms should be able to exist without the limitations of urban space.

Come join me and help make this dream a reality.

Alefe waving hello to camera, lemon tree behind him

Join the community today

Gardening tools, friends, and resources - all in one space
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